The internet offers excellent search engines, e.g. "Google". You enter a word and the search engine finds a lot of related information. However, these search engines are useless when you do not known the name of whatever you are looking for, e.g. items that you might have seen or where you just know that they exist. My "Picty-Picture Dictionary for the Internet" can help.
My project is the creation of an image dictionary for the internet. For this, a website entitled PicTy-Picture Dictionary was created. Using increasingly precise descriptions, this website guides the user to an image of the object. Once the correct image has been found, it tells the user its name and offers links to the search engine Google and the encyclopedia Wikipedia. The name will be used as search term automatically, so that the user is taken to the appropriate search results immediately.
The website was created using FrontPage, which is a tool for creating and managing websites. In addition to working with FrontPage, I learned the basics of HTML in order to design the layout of the website.