
Decentralized Intelligence

Stefan Krumpen, Giugliano Wutschka

project report

Decentralized or collective intelligence is a form of intelligence that is not centrally controlled. A good example is our brain, which consists of billions of neurons working together in an intelligent way without any higher level of control that would tell them what to do. In complex systems, such decentralized control processes are far superior to centralized control as they can respond to new situations in creative ways. Another example of decentralized intelligence is an ant colony.

This inspired our project idea:
Why shouldn't large numbers of "stupid" RFID chips - that interact with each other - be able to develop a form of decentralized intelligence that can solve problems in creative ways and that is therefore superior to centrally controlled systems?

We have created a simulation of a self-organizing warehouse where all goods have RFID chips and arrange themselves on shelves. We have also thought about the architecture of such a chip. Furthermore, we have simulated an ant colony numerically, where the ants organize themselves and create order just like they do in nature.

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