
clever fish - How does the Keeping of Fish Influence their Behaviour

Charlotte Assenmacher, Romi Schmitz

project report

During holidays at the seaside we met them everywhere and they fascinated us: little fish, large impact. Now we want to find out everything about them. In their natural habitat they have to expect to be eaten at any time, but what is their everyday life like in our aquarium?

With the help of two good books about aquariums, we set up to little habitats for fish. They were ideal for zebra danios, which are not too demanding for beginnners and very active, making them suitable for our experiments. Our new friends fascinated us from the very beginning and we are looking forward to our experiments. We divided them up into two groups: one group will live in a simple aquarium on dry food, while the second group gets an aquarium with many hiding places, a kind of labyrinth and living food that the danios will have to hunt themselves.

Now we want to find out how the different ways of keeping fish affect the behaviour of our zebra danios. Are the clever fish more active? Do they lay more eggs? Do they learn more easily? This is what we want to find out over the coming weeks and we cannot wait for the results.

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