Special Gallery 2014
Many-Body Simulations with a Graphics Adapter

Adrian Lenkeit - Regional Contest Adrian Lenkeit - State Contest Adrian Lenkeit - WDR
Adrian Lenkeit impresses the jury at the regional competition in Bonn with his many-body simulations Adrian Lenkeit's many-body simulations win the state level competition (source: Bayer AG) Adrian explains to the WDR TV crew why he enjoys research
Adrian Lenkeit - National Contest Adrian Lenkeit - National Contest Adrian Lenkeit, Josef Nagelschmidt, Stefan Heimersheim, Frank Hartmann - National Contest
Adrian presents his simulations at the national contest (source: Jugend forscht) Adrian Lenkeit with the Michaels Award certificate in front of his exhibit Adrian Lenkeit as well as Josef Nagelschmidt, Stefan Heimersheim and Frank Hartmann win 4th places that are endowed with € 1000 at the national level competition
Adrian Lenkeit - ISEF 2015 (USA) Urkunde - ISEF 2015 (USA)
Adrian Lenkeit is awarded the 4th place physics and astronomy at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) 2015 in Pittsburgh, PA, USA (source: Leonard Bauersfeld) Adrian's award certificate from ISEF 2015 in the USA
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