
Can the Growth of Tomato Plants be Influenced by Music?

David Mohr

project report

The desire to improve growth and quality of plants has led to many interesting ideas. Some people believe that the growth of plants can be affected by music. I became aware of this due to a report about a winemaker near Florence who played classical music for some of his grapevines, but not for others. Since 2007, the project was studied by Stefano Mancuso, plant electrophysiologist at University of Florence. According to his study, the plants that were exposed to music had larger leaves and produced more aromatic grapes than those that were not exposed to music.

This made me wonder whether classical music can really have an influence on the growth of plants, and if so, then what is the cause of this and would singing birds have the same effect?

In order to answer these questions, I used three groups of five plant pots and planted one tomato seed in each pot. I exposed one group of plants to one hour of music by Mozart per day, another to one daily hour of singing birds (both played by a CD player) and the third group was not exposed to special sounds. Apart from this, I tried to grow all plants under identical conditions.

My results seem to suggest that the growth of tomato plants can be affected by exposure to just one daily hour of either classical music or singing birds.

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