Projects of David Mohr (6 Hits)

The Coanda Effect / Physical Foundations and Demonstrations with Home-made Models (Physics, 2021)

David Mohr School yearQ2 Supervisor Franz Mohr
Abstract Awards

Simple Methods for Making Stronger Structures from Bamboo-reinforced Concrete (Engineering, 2019)

David Mohr School yearEF Supervisor Franz Mohr
Abstract Report Awards

How Strong is Bamboo-reinforced Concrete? (Engineering, 2018)

David Mohr School year9 Supervisor Franz Mohr
Abstract Report Awards

Popcorn - Not just a Snack (Work Environment, 2017)

David Mohr School year8a Supervisor Franz Mohr
Abstract Report Awards

Popcorn-based Insulation (Work Environment, 2016)

David Mohr School year7a Supervisor Regina Mohr
Abstract Report

Can the Growth of Tomato Plants be Influenced by Music? (Biology, 2015)

David Mohr School year6a Supervisor Regina Mohr
Abstract Report Awards

Pictures of David Mohr (8 Hits)

The Coanda Effect / Physical Foundations and Demonstrations with Home-made Models (2021)

David Mohr - Regional Contest Bonn David Mohr wins the second place in physics with his project about the Coanda effect

Simple Methods for Making Stronger Structures from Bamboo-reinforced Concrete (2019)

David Mohr with his concrete-reinforcing bamboo structures at the regional contest in Düsseldorf David Mohr - Regional Contest Düsseldorf

How Strong is Bamboo-reinforced Concrete? (2018)

David Mohr - Regional Contest Bonn David Mohr - Regional Contest Bonn David Mohr - State Contest Leverkusen
David Mohr presents his bamboo-reinforced concrete at the regional contest in Bonn David Mohr wins the regional contest in Bonn (Source: Uni Bonn) David Mohr at the state contest "Jugend forscht" (source: Bayer AG)

Popcorn - Not just a Snack (2017)

David Mohr - Regional Contest Düsseldorf David Mohr at his exhibit

Popcorn-based Insulation (2016)

David Mohr with his insulation at the regional competition in Krefeld David Mohr - Regional Contest Krefeld

Can the Growth of Tomato Plants be Influenced by Music? (2015)

David Mohr - Regional Contest Bonn David Mohr at his exhibit
Projects Pictures

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Eric Plum