Awards Summary for Jörg Spilles (2 Hits)

Project and Authors Awards

Construction of an Automated Tracking System for a Radio Telescope
(Engineering, 1990)

Jörg Spilles

Regional Contest "Schüler experimentieren"
  • 1st Place Engineering
    ⇒ Qualification for the state contest "Jugend forscht".
    I.e. the project was upgraded to the contest "Jugend forscht".
State Contest "Jugend forscht"
  • Special Award Engineering

Construction of an Automatic Tracking System for Solar Cells
(Engineering, 1989)

Björn Prigge, Jörg Spilles

Regional Contest "Schüler experimentieren"
  • 2nd Place Engineering

Pictures of Jörg Spilles (2 Hits)

Construction of an Automated Tracking System for a Radio Telescope (1990)

Jörg Spilles - State Contest Jörg Spilles in front of his exhibit at the state competition "Jugend forscht"

Construction of an Automatic Tracking System for Solar Cells (1989)

Björn Prigge and Jörg Spilles present their work at the regional competition Björn Prigge, Jörg Spilles - Regional Contest
Projects Pictures

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Eric Plum