
How does our Psychological Wellbeing Influence the Appearance of our Hair?

Sarah Prygotzki, Dorothee Schlich

Starting from the widespread view that our emotional wellbeing influences the appearance and styling properties of our hair, we asked: "How does our psychological wellbeing influence the appearance of our hair?"

We started with a statistical study that led to the following results:
Result 1: A bad mood leads to frizzy hair.
Result 2: Illness leads to stringy hair with little volume.
Result 3: Lack of sleep leads to stringy hair that is difficult to comb.
Result 4: Discomfort leads to charged hair.

As we do not believe in magic, we postulated the following hypotheses and proved them experimentally:

Hypothesis regarding result 1: Hair becomes frizzy when it gets wet due to high humidity. Fog and humid weather also lower the mood.

Hypotheses regarding results 2 and 3: When struggling to fall asleep, especially due to panic attacks and nervousness, people sweat a lot and keep turning from one position to another. Therefore, their hair gets wet and dries in unusual positions. As a result, it will be difficult to comb in the morning. Illness leads to a similar situation, except that the person will not be motivated to fix their hair and thus the stringy hair will just hang down with little volume during the day.

Hypothesis regarding result 4: We link charged hair to dry air that dries up hair and scalp and that also leads to discomfort by drying mucous membranes.

Now we can answer the initial question regarding the influence of our psychological wellbeing on the appearance of our hair.

1. During foggy weather, frizzy hair is caused by humidity, not bad mood.

2. Dry air causes charged hair.

3. However, illness and sleep disorders are responsible for stringy hair that is difficult to comb. Nevertheless, there are simple explanations for this not involving our soul or supernatural phenomena.

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