Marvin Lohaus in the Hall of Fame

Marvin Lohaus

Marvin Lohaus, Max Oehmichen and Adrian Lenkeit became state champions in physics in 2016 for their project Wave Switches Wave, which also won the creativity award of the State Minister for Schools and the national information technology award.

Awards Summary for Marvin Lohaus (1 Hits)

Project and Authors Awards

Wave Switches Wave: With Simulations and Experiments using Linear Components towards Optical Computing
(Physics, 2016)

Adrian Lenkeit, Marvin Lohaus, Max Oehmichen

Regional Contest "Jugend forscht" (Düsseldorf)
  • 1st Place Physics
    ⇒ Qualification for the state contest "Jugend forscht" in Leverkusen
  • Special Award of the Universität Düsseldorf
  • Special Award of the IHK
State Contest "Jugend forscht" (Leverkusen)
  • 1st Place Physics
    ⇒ Qualification for the national contest "Jugend forscht" in Paderborn
  • Award for the Most Creative Project
    awarded by Minister for Schools NRW Sylvia Löhrmann
National Contest "Jugend forscht" (Paderborn)
  • Award for Information Technology
    sponsored by the German Aerospace Centre (DLR). This award is endowed with € 1000.
Other Contests
  • Michaels Award of the Hans-Hermann Franzke Foundation
    This award is endowed with € 1000 for the school's research programme.

Pictures of Marvin Lohaus (9 Hits)


Award winners of the Hans-Hermann Franzke Foundation Principal Anne Schorrlepp with the award winners of the Hans-Hermann Franzke Foundation

Wave Switches Wave: With Simulations and Experiments using Linear Components towards Optical Computing (2016)

Marvin Lohaus, Adrian Lenkeit, Max Oehmichen - State Contest Veronika Stein, Horst-Günter Thum, Walter Stein, Marvin Lohaus, Max Oehmichen, Adrian Lenkeit - State Contest Marvin Lohaus, Max Oehmichen, Adrian Lenkeit - State Contest
Marvin, Adrian and Max in front of their presentation at the state contest Supervisor Veronika Stein, Horst-Günter Thum, Walter Stein, Marvin Lohaus, Max Oehmichen and Adrian Lenkeit at their exhibit at the state competition Marvin Lohaus, Max Oehmichen and Adrian Lenkeit with their experimental setup (source: Bayer AG)
Adrian Lenkeit, Max Oehmichen, Marvin Lohaus - State Contest Adrian Lenkeit, Marvin Lohaus, Max Oehmichen - State Contest Adrian Lenkeit, Maximilian Oehmichen, Marvin Lohaus, Horst-Günter Thum, Veronika Stein, Walter Stein - National Contest
At the awards ceremony, Adrian, Max and Marvin become ... State Champions in Physics Adrian, Maximilian and Marvin with Horst-Günter Thum, Veronika Stein and Walter Stein in front of their exhibit at the national competition
Maximilian Oehmichen, Marvin Lohaus, Adrian Lenkeit - National Contest Marvin Lohaus, Maximilian Oehmichen, Adrian Lenkeit - National Contest
Maximilian Oehmichen, Marvin Lohaus and Adrian Lenkeit with their metamaterials (source: Jugend forscht) Marvin, Max and Adrian win the national Award for Information Technology, which is endowed with € 1000 (source: Tobias Kaufmann)

Marvin Lohaus's Press Coverage (3 Hits)

Jugend forscht: Sonderpreis geht nach Bad Münstereifel

Jugend forscht: Sonderpreis geht nach Bad Münstereifel

Occasion National contest "Jugend forscht" in Paderborn
Source Wochenspiegel online, 30.05.2016
Photographer Jugend forscht
Auf einer Welle zum Sieg gesurft

Auf einer Welle zum Sieg gesurft

Occasion State contest "Jugend forscht" in Leverkusen
Source Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, Euskirchener Land, 18.03.2016, page 31
Author Hendrik Geisler, Peter W. Schmitz
Photographer Ralf Krieger
Mit "Fernsehen für zwei" auf Siegerstraße

Mit "Fernsehen für zwei" auf Siegerstraße

Occasion Regional contests "Jugend forscht" and "Schüler experimentieren" in Krefeld, Bonn and Düsseldorf
Source Kölnische Rundschau Kreis Euskirchen, 26.02.2016, page 37
Author Peter W. Schmitz
Photographer Niko Weiler, Walter Stein
We thank the above-mentioned newspapers, authors and photographers for allowing us to publish these articles here.
Hall of Fame Projects Pictures Press

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Eric Plum