Awards Summary for Nadja Mayer (1 Hits)

Project and Authors Awards

Renaturation of a Forest Stream
(Biology, 1997)

Andreas Bednarz, Nadine Lilienthal, Nadja Mayer, Thilo Waasem

Regional Contest "Schüler experimentieren"
  • Environmental Award

Pictures of Nadja Mayer (1 Hits)

Renaturation of a Forest Stream (1997)

Nadine Lilienthal, Nadja Mayer, Andreas Bednarz, Thilo Waasem - Regional Contest Nadine Lilienthal, Nadja Mayer, Andreas Bednarz and Thilo Waasem present their work at the regional contest "Schüler experimentieren"

Nadja Mayer's Press Coverage (1 Hits)

Kurstadt-Miniforscher waren die Größten: Sechs von acht Titeln geholt

Kurstadt-Miniforscher waren die Größten: Sechs von acht Titeln geholt

Occasion Regional contest "Jugend forscht" and "Schüler experimentieren"
Source Kölnische Rundschau, 15.02.1997, page 15
Author Peter W. Schmitz
We thank the above-mentioned newspapers, authors and photographers for allowing us to publish these articles here.
Projects Pictures Press

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Eric Plum