Awards: Improving Energy Storage with Nanotechnology

Project and Authors Awards

Improving Energy Storage with Nanotechnology
(Physics, 2012)

Sebastian Klick

Regional Contest "Jugend forscht" (Düsseldorf)
  • 1st Place Physics
    ⇒ Qualification for the state contest "Jugend forscht" in Leverkusen.
State Contest "Jugend forscht"
  • 2nd Place Physics
  • Special Award "Hydrogen, Fuel Cell and Battery-electric Vehicles"
Wettbewerb "Energie im Wandel – Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellentechnologie" (Changing Energy Technology)
  • 1st Federal Award "Energie im Wandel - Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellentechnologie" (Changing Energy Technology)
    Sebastian also submitted his "Jugend forscht"-project to the student competition "Energie im Wandel - Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellentechnologie", which is an initiative of NOW GmbH (National Organization Hyrogen and Fuel Cell Technology). Jugend forscht winners of the state level special award "Hydrogen, Fuel Cell and Battery-electric Vehicles" were eligible for this award. The prize was awarded on October 8th 2012 as part of the f-cell conference in Stuttgart.

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Eric Plum