Project and Authors |
Awards |
Decentralized Intelligence
(Math/Computers, 2006)
Stefan Krumpen, Giugliano Wutschka
Regional Contest "Jugend forscht"
3rd Place Math/Computer Science
Photonic Crystals
(Physics, 2005)
Florian Kotzur, Stefan Krumpen
Regional Contest "Jugend forscht"
- 1st Place Physics
⇒ Qualification for the state contest "Jugend forscht" in Leverkusen
State Contest "Jugend forscht"
- 1st Place Physics
⇒ Qualification for the national contest "Jugend forscht" in Dortmund
Award of the Minister for Schools, Youth and Children of North Rhine-Westphalia for the Project of Greatest Creative Value
National Contest "Jugend forscht"
- 5th Place Physics
amongst 18 participating physics projects ⇒ German Chancellor's Reception in autumn 2005 (see press release)
Microfluidics - A Journey into the World of Little Droplets
(Engineering, 2004)
Florian Kotzur, Stefan Krumpen
Regional Contest "Schüler experimentieren"
- 1st Place Engineering
⇒ Qualification for the state contest "Schüler experimentieren" in Bochum
State Contest "Schüler experimentieren"
- 1st Place Engineering
i.e. state champion
Award für die Greatest Creative Value