Picture Gallery 2007

Group Photo - Regional Contest Köln Group Photo - State Contest Schüler experimentieren
Our biology teams at the regional contest in Cologne with supervisor Vera Küppers (left), principal Paul Georg Neft (back right) and supervisor Karl Heuel (front right) Our successful young scientists with their supervisors Walter Stein and Vera Küppers at the state contest "Schüler experimentieren" hosted by RWE in Bochum

Summer Party of the German President

Walter Stein - Bellevue Castle German President Horst Köhler and Eva Luise Köhler - Bellevue Castle Former German President Richard von Weizsäcker and Walter Stein - Bellevue Castle
Walter Stein in front of Bellevue Castle German President Horst Köhler and his wife Eva Luise Köhler greet the guests of the summer party at Bellevue Castle Former German President Richard von Weizsäcker speaking with Walter Stein

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Stefan Hück, Andreas Bülow - Regional Contest Stefan Hück, Andreas Bülow - State Contest
Stefan Hück and Andreas Bülow win the regional competition in physics Stefan and Andreas present their project at the state contest

Hydrothermal Carbonization

Sebastian Benden - Regional Contest Sebastian Benden at his exhibit at the regional competition

The Intelligent Burglar Alarm

Tobias Kaufmann and Luca Banszerus present their project at the regional contest Tobias Kaufmann, Luca Banszerus - Regional Contest


Jochen Dierichsweiler, Sebastian Klick - Regional Contest Jochen Dierichsweiler, Sebastian Klick - Regional Contest Sebastian Klick, Jochen Dierichsweiler - State Contest
Jochen Dierichsweiler and Sebastian Klick at their exhibit at the regional contest Jochen and Sebastian win the regional contest in computer science Sebastian and Jochen with their suitcase-computer at the state contest "Schüler experimentieren"
Jochen Dierichsweiler, Sebastian Klick - State Contest Jochen and Sebastian win the state contest in computer science

The Safe Laser Pointer

Cai-Oliver Thier - Regional Contest Cai-Oliver Thier - Regional Contest Cai-Oliver Thier - State Contest
Cai-Oliver Thier at the regional competition Cai-Oliver wins the regional contest in engineering Cai-Oliver with his safe laser pointer at the state contest "Schüler experimentieren"
Cai-Oliver wins the state contest NRW in engineering Cai-Oliver Thier - State Contest

Crayfish Research for their Reintroduction in the Eifel

TV interview of our crayfish researchers - Regional Contest Cologne Philipp Wegener, Benedikt Broich, Hendrik Nettersheim - State Contest
TV reporters interview our crayfish researchers at the regional contest Philipp Wegener, Benedikt Broich and Hendrik Nettersheim win the 3rd award in biology at the state competition

Generation and Use of Biohydrogen

Jiexia Chen, Anne Bornkessel - Regional Contest Cologne Jiexia Chen and Anne Bornkessel present their energy project at the regional contest

The CO2-free Heating System

Sebastian Klick at his exhibit at the regional competition Sebastian Klick - Regional Contest

The Osmotic Water Tap

Nicklas Garrelfs - Regional Contest Nicklas Garrelfs presents his osmotic water tap at the regional contest

How Dangerous are Nanoparticles?

Benjamin Nöke and Tjarko Rahlf report their findings on dangers of nanoparticles at the regional contest Benjamin Nöke, Tjarko Rahlf - Regional Contest

Indicator Plants on the School Grounds

Nicole Mrosek, Karin Mrosek - Regional Contest Köln Nicole Mrosek and Karin Mrosek report their findings at the regional competition

Study of the Food Preferences of Sunbleaks

Aileen Meyer, Carolin Sampels and Judith Suhr at their exhibit at the regional contest Aileen Meyer, Carolin Sampels, Judith Suhr - Regional Contest Cologne
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