Our biology teams at the regional contest in Cologne with supervisor Vera Küppers (left), principal Paul Georg Neft (back right) and supervisor Karl Heuel (front right) | Our successful young scientists with their supervisors Walter Stein and Vera Küppers at the state contest "Schüler experimentieren" hosted by RWE in Bochum |
Walter Stein in front of Bellevue Castle | German President Horst Köhler and his wife Eva Luise Köhler greet the guests of the summer party at Bellevue Castle | Former German President Richard von Weizsäcker speaking with Walter Stein |
Stefan Hück and Andreas Bülow win the regional competition in physics | Stefan and Andreas present their project at the state contest |
Sebastian Benden at his exhibit at the regional competition |
Tobias Kaufmann and Luca Banszerus present their project at the regional contest |
Jochen Dierichsweiler and Sebastian Klick at their exhibit at the regional contest | Jochen and Sebastian win the regional contest in computer science | Sebastian and Jochen with their suitcase-computer at the state contest "Schüler experimentieren" |
Jochen and Sebastian win the state contest in computer science |
Cai-Oliver Thier at the regional competition | Cai-Oliver wins the regional contest in engineering | Cai-Oliver with his safe laser pointer at the state contest "Schüler experimentieren" |
Cai-Oliver wins the state contest NRW in engineering |
TV reporters interview our crayfish researchers at the regional contest | Philipp Wegener, Benedikt Broich and Hendrik Nettersheim win the 3rd award in biology at the state competition |
Jiexia Chen and Anne Bornkessel present their energy project at the regional contest |
Sebastian Klick at his exhibit at the regional competition |
Nicklas Garrelfs presents his osmotic water tap at the regional contest |
Benjamin Nöke and Tjarko Rahlf report their findings on dangers of nanoparticles at the regional contest |
Nicole Mrosek and Karin Mrosek report their findings at the regional competition |
Aileen Meyer, Carolin Sampels and Judith Suhr at their exhibit at the regional contest |