Projects of Andreas Goris (4 Hits)

Solar Storms and Solar Oscillations (Geo/Astro, 1992)

Alistair Göpffarth, Andreas Goris, Rudolf Scheuren Supervisor Walter Stein
Abstract Awards

Construction of a CD-Spectrometer (Physics, 1991)

Andreas Goris Supervisor Walter Stein
Abstract Awards

Movement of the Solar Spots (Geo/Astro, 1989)

Andreas Goris Supervisor Walter Stein

Detection of the Differential Solar Rotation (Geo/Astro, 1988)

Andreas Goris Supervisor Walter Stein
Abstract Awards

Projects Supervised by Andreas Goris (5 Hits)

Applied Electrorheology (Work Environment, 2004)

Andreas Goris, Walter Stein SupervisorAndreas Goris, Walter Stein
Abstract Report Awards

Electrorheological Fluids - An Optimization (Physics, 2004)

Andreas Goris, Walter Stein SupervisorAndreas Goris, Walter Stein
Abstract Report

Automated Acoustic Production Control (Work Environment, 2003)

Andreas Goris Supervisor Andreas Goris
Abstract Report Awards

Faster than the Fire Brigade (Work Environment, 2002)

Walter Stein, Andreas Goris SupervisorWalter Stein, Andreas Goris
Abstract Report Awards

The Well-Rested Astronomer (Geo/Astro, 2002)

Walter Stein, Andreas Goris SupervisorWalter Stein, Andreas Goris
Abstract Report Awards

Pictures of Andreas Goris (5 Hits)

Solar Storms and Solar Oscillations (1992)

Andreas Goris, Alistair Göpffarth, Rudolf Scheuren - School roof Rudolf Scheuren, Alistair Göpffarth, Andreas Goris - State Contest
Andreas Goris, Alistair Göpffarth and Rudolf Scheuren at the telescope on the school roof Rudolf, Alistair and Andreas at the state contest "Jugend forscht"

Movement of the Solar Spots (1989)

Andreas Goris - Regional Contest Andreas Goris - Regional Contest
The exhibit of Andreas Goris at the regional competition Andreas at the awards ceremony of the regional contest

Detection of the Differential Solar Rotation (1988)

Andreas Goris - Regional Contest Andreas Goris presents his work on solar astronomy at the regional contest
Projects Pictures

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Eric Plum